Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bye bunny teeth

Hi. This post is gonna be about my teeth. hahahaha. Just got my braces removed and I've fucking straight teeth now. Jelly ? Those people back then who called me ba geh ( rabbit teeth )  FUCK YOU! 


Pictures above are when I just got my braces. I survived 2011 with 2 huge holes after extracting 2 teeth. LOL look at those pictures. OMG I need to dig a hole and hide my face. 

2012 was so much better cause my teeth are not so protruding anymore since the gaps have closed. Still protruding though so I seldom smile with teeth when taking pictures. Sigh me

Finally it's time to remove my braces. All the ugly teeth/bunny teeth/ ba geh/ bo geh days BYEBYE !!! Patience and all the time spent visiting the dental for 2 years have paid off. I LOVE MY FUCKING STRAIGHT TEETH !!!! Before I had braces I've never thought of getting. I thought my teeth wasn't that bad ( I don't know what am I thinking back then ). Until one day, mum's boyfriend asked me if I want to get braces. That's when I realised I've ugly teeth. So he paid for my braces  Like what my mum said " you have to thank uncle for the beauty " HAHAHAHA YES THANK YOU UNCLE. ☋ THANKS BABY FOR ACCOMPANY ME THIS 2 YEARS TO THE DENTAL ♡ YOU

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